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Publications below are by external SBIA members, not found on ERE.

  • Boussebaa, M. (2021) From cultural differences to cultural globalization: towards a new research agenda in cross-cultural management studies. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 17(3), pp. 381-398. DOI: 10.1108/cpoib-01-2020-0003
  • Boussebaa, M. and Tienari, J. (2021) Englishisation and the politics of knowledge production in management studies. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(1), pp. 59-67. DOI: 10.1177/1056492619835314
  • Boussebaa, M. (2020) In the shadow of empire: Global Britain and the UK business school. Organization, 27(3), pp. 483-493. DOI: 10.1177/1350508419855700
  • Toward fairer global reward: Lessons from international non-governmental organizations. McWha-Hermann & Jandric. (2021). International Business Review.
  • Chapter: Expatriate compensation in contemporary organizations. McWha-Hermann. (2021).
  • A macropsychology perspective on humanitarian work psychology. McWha-Hermann. (2021) pp.233-252.
  • The precariousness of protection: Civilian defense groups countering Boko Haram in Northeastern Nigeria. (2021). African Studies Review, 64 (1), 192-216.
  • Ten years of Boko Haram: how transportation drives Africa's deadliest insurgency. (2020). Cultural Studies, 34 (3), 363-391.
  • Ferns, G., Lambert, A. and Gunther, M. 2021. The analogical construction of stigma as a moral dualism: the case of the fossil fuel divestment movement. Academy of Management Journal DOI: 10.5465/amj.2018.0615
  • Ferns, G. and Amaeshi, K. 2019. Struggles at the summits: discourse coalitions, field boundaries, and the shifting role of business in sustainable development. Business and Society, 58(8), pp. 1533-1571. DOI: 10.1177/0007650317701884
  • Muthuri, J. N.; Jain, A.; Ndegwa, A.; Mwagandi, S. M.; Tagoe, N. D. (2021), The Impact of Covid-19 on Gold and Gemstone Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Ghana and Kenya, Africa Journal of Management.
  • Hamann, R.; Muthuri, J.N.; Nwagwu, I.; Pariag-Maraye, N.; Chamberlin, W.; Ghai, S.; Amaeshi, K.; and Ogbechi, C. (2020), Covid-19 in Africa: Contextualising Impacts, Responses, and Prospects, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, Vol.62(6), 8-18.
  • Peprah, A., Giachetti, C., Larsen, M. and Rajwani, T. (Forthcoming) How Business Models Evolve in Weak Institutional Environments: The case of Jumia, the Amazon.com of Africa, Organization Science.
  • Lawton, T., Dorobantu, S., Rajwani, T. and Sun, P. (2020) The Times They are A-Changing': The implications of Covid-19 for non-market strategy research, Journal of Management Studies, 57 (8), pp. 1732-1736.
  • Muzanenhamo, P., and Chowdhury, R. (2021). Epistemic injustice and hegemonic ordeal in management and organization studies: Advancing Black scholarship. Human Relations, 00187267211014802.
  • Liu, Ling, Henley, John & Mousavi, Mohammad Mahdi, 2021. Foreign interfirm networks and internationalization: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa, Journal of International Management, Elsevier, vol. 27(1).
  • Tsanis, K., and Stouraitis, V. (2021). Developing the first digital bank of Africa: the steps towards the creation of a digital bank in a very challenging environment. In Innovation Management and Growth in Emerging Economies (pp. 192-205). IGI Global.
  • Stouraitis, V., Thomson, J., Tsanis, K., Kyritsis, M., and Harris, M. H. M. (2020). The effect of autonomy in sustaining social entrepreneurial intention through management education: the cases of Malaysia and Scotland.
  • Cornelissen, J. P., Akemu, O., Jonkman, J. G., and Werner, M. D. (2020). Building character: The formation of a hybrid organizational identity in a social enterprise. Journal of Management Studies. Read online.
  • Gambino, E. (2020). La participation chinoise dans le développement des infrastructures de transport au Kenya: une transformation des géométries du pouvoir? [Chinese participation in Kenyan transport infrastructure: reshaping power-geometries?]. Critique internationale, 89(4), 95-114. https://doi.org/10.3917/crii.089.0098
  • Gambino, E. (forthcoming). Chinese interests in the development of African transport corridors: building the Belt and Road Initiative through market expansion?, in Nugent, P. and Lamarque, H. (eds.) Transport Corridors in Africa. Melton: James Currey